Title: Celebrate New Year’s Eve with Paul Benoit and friends, Darrell’s Tavern, ShorelineLocation: Darrell’s Tavern, 18041 Aurora Avenue North Shoreline, WA 98133Link out: Click hereDescription: Celebrate a very Darrell’s New Year’s Eve with Paul Benoit and friends Money Jungle and Dry Martinez. $8 cover.Start Time: 09:30:00Date: 2012-12-31 ### Thanks for your interest in Paul’s music, […]
Paul Benoit w/Sean Divine, 50 North, Seattle
Title: Paul Benoit w/Sean Divine, 50 North, SeattleLocation: 50 North, 5001 25th Ave. NE, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98105Link out: Click hereDescription: Live Music Friday, no cover. At Northcut Landing, just North of Chase Bank. Free garage parking!Start Time: 08:00:00Date: 2012-12-21 ### Thanks for your interest in Paul’s music, you can find some of his […]
Paul Benoit Trio, Triple Door Musiquarium
Title: Paul Benoit Trio, Triple Door Musiquarium Location: Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle, WA 98101 Link out: Click here Description: The Triple Door is proud to host Seattle’s weekly collective, Free Funk Union, Monday’s from 8-11pm. Hosted by D’Vonne Lewis (Industrial Revelation) and Adam Kessler (Publish the Quest), this unique event features multiple sets […]